"Reduce before you produce"

Domestic Solar

Solar Panels for Home Use

Residential solar panels have never been more popular or more cost effective.

Every day homeowners across the UK are protecting themselves from rising energy bills, reducing their carbon emissions, and adding value to their home by installing solar panels on their property.

With our help, you could be the next.

We provide bespoke solar PV systems and other renewable energy solutions to domestic and commercial customers across the UK and time and time again, solar panels are found the most effective way for residential properties to harness renewable energy.

Domestic solar panels

Solar panels are the single most popular renewable energy technology installed on domestic properties in the UK.

Solar panels work by converting energy from the sun beating down on your roof into usable electricity that can be used to power your home.

Well over 1 million properties in the UK now have a solar panel system installed and recent technological advances mean that panels can now be installed in almost any location from roof tops to car parks, gardens, and more.

We install solar panels on both new build properties and existing homes, ensuring that as many people as possible can enjoy the clean, free solar power.

Benefits of installing solar panels in your home

You have undoubtedly seen solar PV systems cladding the roofs of homes across your local area, but are they really worth the investment for you? 

If you want a full breakdown of how much electricity you can expect a solar panel system to produce on your property, how much you can sell back to the grid, and how quickly the initial installation costs will be covered by your energy bill savings, these are all questions that we can answer as part of an initial property survey.

In general, however, solar panels are almost always a smart investment for any UK homeowner, and here are some of the biggest reasons why: 

Reduce your energy bills 

The main reason most people choose to install solar panels, especially in the current climate is to reduce their annual electricity bills and protect themselves against the volatile energy market.

Energy efficient solar panels can reduce your spending by as much as 50%, allowing you to generate solar energy completely free of charge, even on cloudy days!

Reduce your carbon footprint 

Solar panels produce completely emission free electricty, meaning that installing solar system will dramatically reduce the size of your carbon footprint.

We all need to do our bit to live more sustainable lifestyles and a domestic solar power system allows you to do just that, all whilst saving yourself money.

Sell excess solar energy 

If you can’t use all your solar energy in and around your home at the time of production you have two options to maximise solar panel efficiency. You can either install solar battery storage, allowing you to keep energy for future use, we can provide this service during or after installation if required, or you can sell your energy back to your energy supplier through the Smart Export Guarantee SEG scheme. 

Every major energy firm must offer an SEG tariff so you will always make some money from your solar panels but using your own energy in your own home is by far the most cost effective route forward.

Low maintenance 

Not only are solar panels efficient, but they are also extremely easy to maintain and once we have installed them on your property there are no ongoing running costs to worry about.

At most, you will need to have them cleared every so often to ensure they remain in optimal condition and are able to harness as much of the sun’s energy as possible.

Our solar panels are designed to last as long as possible, with many of our clients enjoying their Solar PV systems for several decades.

Solar Thermal panels for your home 

The only potential downside to a standard solar PV system, excluding those who have an electric heating system, is that it cannot heat your hot water in the same way as a gas boiler or similar. 

That is where Solar Thermal systems come in, with panels that convert energy from the sun into heat rather than electricity supply.

They do this by harnessing the sun’s heat rather than lightwaves, which actually makes them more effective than PV panels as heat waves carry significantly more energy than lightwaves.

As a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, incorporating both solar panel systems and solar batteries, we often provide thermal solar panels to those looking to save on their heating bills. 

Most domestic solar panels are Solar PV panels but we are always happy to discuss more bespoke options incorporating both standard and thermal solar panels.

How does Solar Panel Installation work? 

Before we go ahead with installing your solar panel system we will conduct a detailed property survey, determining the suitability of your property for panel installation. 

We will also give you some key information such as how much electricity you can expect the system to produce based on the average solar panel production rate for a property in your location and installation size.

You can use this estimated average monthly energy output to make a more informed decision on if you wish to proceed and how many solar panels you wish to have installed.

If you decide to go ahead with installation we will have your system fitted within a single day in most cases, with all your panels fitted securely into place and connected to your inverter so the electricity generated can be used safely inside your home and transferred back into the national grid.

Our expert team will then carry out a series of extensive safety and quality checks and provide you with documentation detailing the results. Finally, we will register your system with the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) or equivalent and away you go.

Clean, free energy whenever you need it for as long as the sun continues to shine.


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    Get in Touch 

    If you wish to slash your energy bills, shrink your carbon footprint and increase the value of your home, there is no single upgrade you can make that is more effective than the installation of a solar panel system. 

    When you have solar panels installed with Renewable Energy Matters you are guaranteeing the highest quality products, with minimal disruption to your daily life and excellent customer service throughout.

    For more information on our solar panel systems, or to arrange a survey of your property get in touch with Renewable Energy Matters today on 02037008442.